Monday, December 4, 2006

Who lives in Buena Park, California?

So, we were sitting around fixing bugs and making life for our users at Deal Comet . . . just better . . . and we got distracted. Decided to check our site traffic.

Yup, looks like the 6 or so people who we've told about the pre-alpha are visiting :)

Wait! A hit from Buena Park, California?!? Who could this be?!?! Is someone leaking?

Turns out it was our good buddies at Google! Looks like we're in the google index! Number one for Deal Comet!!

Time to break open a case of Shiner Boch Beer!


Anonymous said...

Sucks. It looks like you guys don't have page rank.

Now you have to search "dealcomet"

Anonymous said...

hey guys. I can't change my nickname. when are you guys making that feature?