Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Deal Comet Brings Joy This Holiday Season

So the Deal Comet team is pretty much on vacation for the holidays, so that's why you haven't seen many updates recently. Oddly though, I still see checkins from supposed OOF people. Naughty developers (I can imagine them with a plate full of turkey in one hand, and a laptop in the other).

So I kinda felt guilty for not contributing, so I decided to whip up a quick blog post. Without new features, where would I find an inspiration for a blog topic?
Well, so I started perusing through Deal Comet and I noticed this little oddity. Someone searched for happy on Deal Comet!

I guess in the course of building Deal Comet, we never expected people would turn to us to help them find happiness. I guess that's what that little tingle is that you feel when you find out that the two coupons are stackable and just saved you a bundle . . . happiness. That feeling you get when you find out that you also got free shipping is blissful joy . . . not to be confused with simple happiness.

Anyways, it is time for this blogger to venture off to gorge on left over turkey. I hope you found happiness anonymous user.

Happy Holidays from the Deal Comet team.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Deal Comet Launches In Alpha

Yay! After a lot of great feedback from our Pre-Alpha members, we've implemented a lot of changes, and have a good idea for where we want to go next. There weren't any big show stoppers, so we decided to declare Deal Comet in Alpha Release Mode!

We deleted all the test data and accounts (so you'll need to sign up again). All the data is now real and live! Start posting your best deals!

Update: Please expect some degree of service flakiness as we perfect the site and work our way out of Alpha.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Deal Comet Launches in Pre Alpha!!!

What is a pre-alpha?
Imagine a beta being a precursor to a final release. Then imagine an alpha being a precursor to an alpha. Well, I guess a prealpha is sort of a beta for an alpha.

Anyways, we've shipped a pre-alpha build to production, and have sent out some invites to some close friends and family.

This is basically our last chance to really hardcore test the code, before we declare it alpha!

All the data will be wiped out, before we declare alpha (so go ahead and put up as much garbage as you want). Feel free to hack the system too!

So let us know about all the bugs you found, anything that seems confusing, or any feedback you might have!

Known Issues

  1. Invite Page is not simple
  2. When I join, it says I joined 8 hours ago
  3. Points change by 2
  4. Human Test gets old after a while on comments
  5. "&" Should not be a tag
  6. Aim link doesn't work on gaim
Issues Being Fixed
  1. "Case Sensetive" should really be spelled "Case-Sensitive"
  2. Nickname limit is too low, should be 15 not 10
Fixed Issues

Monday, December 4, 2006

Who lives in Buena Park, California?

So, we were sitting around fixing bugs and making life for our users at Deal Comet . . . just better . . . and we got distracted. Decided to check our site traffic.

Yup, looks like the 6 or so people who we've told about the pre-alpha are visiting :)

Wait! A hit from Buena Park, California?!? Who could this be?!?! Is someone leaking?

Turns out it was our good buddies at Google! Looks like we're in the google index! Number one for Deal Comet!!

Time to break open a case of Shiner Boch Beer!

We have a logo!?!?!

So one of our developers whipped up a logo for us real quick. He says it is a comet, but to me it looks like a smiley with spikey hair and no eyes.

Oh well, it'll have to do for now until we get a designer or a friend with some artistic talent. Maybe, we'll hold a contest?

More to come.